The agency, the leading voice for survivors of domestic and sexual assault, is a statewide network of organizations, programs and individuals working to improve the lives of survivors and, ultimately, end violence. The Tennessee Titans hosted the event at Nissan Stadium West Club with its fantastic views of our city’s skyline. The evening began with a cocktail reception and silent auction that included some fantastic Titans packages. Event chair, Rachel Stutts, one of our Model Behavior nominees for her commitment to the organization, worked the room thanking the many representatives from the legislature, judicial and legal worlds as well as the countless others who support the coalition’s mission. Committee members Rebecca and Lester Demaree, Mollie Gass, Olivia Bradford, Carey Elzey, Jessica Dauphin and Derrell Stinson were in the crowd taking a chance at the Wine Grab, posing with Titans cheerleaders and watching artist, Michael McBride concentrate on a live-painting piece. Dinner began with Mike Keith, “the Voice of the Titans,” welcoming everyone before he introduced Beth Harwell and Megan Barry. After a filling meal of chicken and rice pilaf with asparagus, the Tennessee Titans received the Community Partner Award, and Steve Dickerson was named Legislator of the Year for sponsoring bills to improve safety and protection for victims of abuse. Once the applause died down, Burning Las Vegas had everyone on the dance floor. They paused just long enough for Stacie Kinder to hold a live auction and then took the stage back as guests danced the night away.

Source: NFocus, November 2016

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